Usn Super Grow Beast Strawberry 4kg Bag


USN Super Grow Beast Strawberry 4kg bag

Ksh 4,800.00

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Extreme mass and muscle strength gainer with creatine and a high protein content. Also contains Taurine: Reduces fatigue, increases fat burning, and decreases muscle damage caused by exercise. Glycine: Augments adaptation to training and is a component of creatine, the main amino acid in collagen and can protect against muscle loss. Creatine monohydrate: Builds strength, increases muscle development and maximizes performance. BCAA’s & EAA’s: Assists with protein synthesis, muscle growth and strength increases. Helps maintain muscle mass. Protein: Assists the body in forming new muscle fibers and repairing damaged muscle fibers or tissue.

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Weight 0.0 kg


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